The Office - Spanish Soap remake

The following is my video for my Final Project. In true Media convergence fashion, I converged a Television classic (The Office) and used its iconic intro, and re imagined it as a Spanish soap opera. I've seen similar things done like this, in particular using the show's elements to make it a horror. Similar to this idea, the whole point of this project is to take a show's elements, and rework them in my own way. I chose to remake the theme as a soap opera, as I found that no one else had attempted to re-edit it that way, and had several clips that I could work in with some stock footage to make something funny but still has the drama of a 'Spanish soap'. How this relates to the class is: An adaption of two things (The Office and Spanish Soap Operas), and using elements to re-create or re imagine the two things combined into one, to form an original idea. I particularly tried to make the recreation based off of mainland Spain's soap operas, using footage from Madrid and Barcelona. Overall, creating this reminded me of the ultimate lesson of this class: Constantly, something that has been established is remade with some improvement or twist of creativity, often with input or from the lenses of the audience.


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