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The Office - Spanish Soap remake

The following is my video for my Final Project. In true Media convergence fashion, I converged a Television classic (The Office) and used its iconic intro, and re imagined it as a Spanish soap opera. I've seen similar things done like this, in particular using the show's elements to make it a horror. Similar to this idea, the whole point of this project is to take a show's elements, and rework them in my own way. I chose to remake the theme as a soap opera, as I found that no one else had attempted to re-edit it that way, and had several clips that I could work in with some stock footage to make something funny but still has the drama of a 'Spanish soap'. How this relates to the class is: An adaption of two things (The Office and Spanish Soap Operas), and using elements to re-create or re imagine the two things combined into one, to form an original idea. I particularly tried to make the recreation based off of mainland Spain's soap operas, using footage from...

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